2023 and Me..

Purpose and Goals..

2023 New Years Resolution

  1. Start a blog

  2. Stop overextending myself - value your own time

  3. Spend 5 minutes a day learning a language

  4. Plan annual trips to visit somewhere outside the country

  5. Write a letter to myself to open in December 2023

  6. Start taking photos of things I find beautiful - then use them as reference photos to recreate them

  7. Have a better diet

  8. Get better at art - Implement daily habits

  9. Achieve savings goals

  10. Keep computer files organized

  11. Create a Vision Board - Take down everything you accomplished in 2023 December

  12. Take some time to reflect on 2022 goals and what I’ve accomplished


2022 was the most difficult year of my life - I spent a lot of time dwelling on my hardships and experienced almost no self-growth for the first half of the year. I want 2023 to be my redemption and I want to look back on this site and all my mini-projects and see how much I grew when December comes along.

I don’t expect what I work on to look perfect at first - so I’m considering this my trial year, I plan for it to be full of disappointment, frustration, and terrible terrible artwork. But, by the end of it all, I hope I get just a little bit better at everything I put my mind to this year.


Disclaimer: ** I am by no means a writer, I’m here to mainly share my journey so please forgive me for any grammatical errors! :)

