Reflection on 2023 Goals

2023 New Years Resolutions


Let’s go through last years resolutions and cross off the things I accomplished..

  1. Start a blog

  2. Stop overextending myself

  3. Spend 5 minutes a day learning a language

  4. Plan annual trips to visit somewhere outside the country

  5. Write a letter to myself to open in December 2023

  6. Start taking photos of things I find beautiful

  7. Have a better diet

  8. Get better at art

  9. Achieve savings goals

  10. Keep computer files organized

  11. Create a Vision Board - Take down everything you accomplished in 2023 December

  12. Take some time to reflect on 2022 goals and what I’ve accomplished


I didn’t achieve everything I wanted on my list but I’m proud of what I did achieve. This year the goals I didn’t get to are a top priority and I’m excited to be selfish with my time this year.

This year will be all about spending time with myself, and reconnecting with me.


Disclaimer: ** I am by no means a writer, I’m here to mainly share my journey so please forgive me for any grammatical errors! :)


Schedules - How do I stay consistent/ find time to complete my goals