Schedules - How do I stay consistent/ find time to complete my goals

I must give credit where credit is due, Atomic Habits really helped me shape a realistic schedule for myself. My schedule no longer feels “structured” it just feels automatic - its just the flow of the day now.

One of the most important things I’ve learned when creating a schedule is that you have to make it easy, if you don’t make it easy you won’t stick to it.

it took me a while to create a schedule that made sense, I first started off doing as much as I could all at once at any opportunity that was available. I had absolutely no boundaries, this method was clearly doomed to fail. I found myself burnt out by day 2, and no longer a person on day 3. This worked for a while until I found myself desperately needing a break that went from one day off to a couple of days to dreading the day I would have to get back on schedule.

That’s when I decided to sit down and actually structure my day, I used the method from atomic habits, “At this time, I will habit.” It only took 3 weeks to get a schedule that made sense. I, of course, started off still pretty unrealistic and found myself rushing home desperately trying to fit into my schedule and ended up overwhelmed. By week 2 I understood that I needed to divide my days up and just be happy if I was able to do anything at all, for example, “I was creative today” instead of “complete this project”, this had a much more positive outcome on my week and my willingness to stick to a schedule. By week 3, I implemented break days, allowing myself time to relax and not burn out. Now, this doesn’t even feel like my day has a structure, I’m simply doing the things that better myself and sticking to it.

When you want to grow, gain habits, and new skills a structured schedule that you are able to stick to is the most important part of your journey. It’s okay to fail, and miss days, as long as you get back up and start again you’re still doing better than you once were.

To see my habit tracks visit my habits page! :)

Disclaimer: ** I am by no means a writer, I’m here to mainly share my journey so please forgive me for any grammatical errors! :)


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